Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This Past Week, have my actions represented Christ to my friends?

I have a card I keep in my purse. It asks simple questions that keep me on track as I walk this journey. I got it 9 years ago at youth convention. The first question asks about my actions and whether they represent Christ. This question used to convict me because I had so few Christian friends to impact. My hesitance to engage people that I would meet in my daily life filled me with regret. Who would I represent Christ to in my everyday life, besides my family that is? Well, that is still something I am working on and am happy to say making some progress in. I also see that representing Christ to my family on a weekly basis is not only vital it is incredibly hard. It take walking constantly in the Spirit to be able to do this effectively. I blow it , especially with my kids, on a regular basis, I'm afraid. Less so, since they are gone at College but I still manage to blow it once in awhile. I also see that we need to represent Christ to those who are believers. Young believers need mentors, older believers need encouragement, and every believer needs to be challenged to be their best. If we accept mediocrity from ourselves Christ loses. He has left us here as the representation of Him on this earth. He is not mediocre in the least, but the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, absolute purity and holiness is His character. Our actions speak louder than our words or our religious affiliation. What do your actions say about you? What do mine say about me? It's a good question to ask ourselves in the New Year.

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