Today was not my favorite day; it was quite Mondayish. I'm not sure that is a word but I have little doubt that you all can kind of feel what it means. Sometimes stuff just doesn't feel right and all you can do is pray. I am learning that the smallest of things can trigger grief. Like the Super Bowl for instance. I am learning that a house full of females, almost all adults, is both fun and frustrating. I am learning "meaning well" is not enough. I am learning that my grand hopes of changing anyone, including myself, my family, my small group, so many that I love, and the world, are also frustrating and that I need to get a better grip on what it means to walk in the Spirit because that is the only way transformation is going to come. I loved brainstorming about discipleship this morning. I think I am passionate about it. I am pretty much useless on my own. I am more aware than ever of how deeply I need God and how much I love Him. I am trying to learn that sometimes you have to be patient and pray and then pray some more and again and so on.
This is also the first day of my grand experiment. In an effort to combat my asthma I am going gluten free. There is a lot of evidence that going gluten free is helpful in combatting autoimmune disorders and I want to give it a try. My asthma is not worse or anything but it is annoying and besides, anything that helps me get rid of bread and pasta can't be all bad. When I was in the grocery store this weekend I kindof panicked about it but am feeling like it is doable today. We are aiming to be totally gluten free at home and have a day off once in awhile when we are someones company or are out to dinner. Please pray for me when you think of it. I feel almost hopeless when it comes to diet issues.
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter." Francis Chan (Crazy Love, great book)
I've thought of going gluten free too. In fact, I bought a lot of the ingredients this past month, but I haven't jumped in yet. I know it is going to take more of my time and I'm not sure I'm ready.
I hope it's going well for you. I've been doing a gluten free diet for myself for about six months now. When one pursues whole, real and nutrient dense foods instead of things that are processed and manufactured one is basically already eating gluten free. At least I have found that to be true in my life.
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