Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One Day

‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” ( Rev. 21:4 )I was thinking about this verse while at my desk this morning and a thought occured to me. There are things, events that happen to us, sorrows we experience, sins comitted against us, while we spend our brief stay on earth that are unthinkable. They are the the events that we don't "just get over." The sorrows that haunt us daily and often rob us of our joy. Events that are not forgettable and that the consequences of cannot be erased. While they can be used greatly of God for His good and are allowed by Him for His purposes they still cause us grief throughout our lives. I believe it is these tears that God wipes away from us. These are the sorrows that do not disappear when we enter the presence of God but are ones that He Himself wipes away. These are the hurts that nothing but the touch of God can heal, the pain that only God Himself can erase. If you are carrying the unthinkable in your life know this, there is a day coming when God Himself will wipe that pain, that sorrow, the heaviness that you bear, He will wipe it away. Until then, rejoice in that hope! Know that the God who loves you is both just and merciful and that He will make it right and heal every hurting place.


Lateda said...

I LOVE you! :) Your posts sometimes just amaze me! :)

Patricia said...

Lovely post. You write very well. Praying the Lord will comfort you and give you peace during this season of your life. He is able!
