Friday, April 17, 2009

Deep Waters

"Agree together, my friends, to follow my example. You have us for a model; watch those whose way of life conforms to it. For, as I have often told you, and now tell you with tears in my eyes, there are many whose way of life makes them enemies of the cross of Christ. They are heading for destruction, appetite is their god, and they glory in their shame. Their minds are set on earthly things. We, by contrast, are citizens of heaven, and from heaven we expect our deliverer to come, the Lord Jesus Christ." Philippians 3: 17-20

You have to be careful today, dear brothers and sisters. Not everyone who calls themselves a believer is conforming in life to Christ. In this day, those who are not focused and passionate about God are being attacked and they are falling. Many is the believer whose life is about earthly things, and not set on our God. You must be careful who your example is. You must watch who you pattern your life after.I want to be able to say with Paul, "Follow my example." I know I have said this before but it is something I am most passionate about.

I am wading through deep waters. The waves of life's trial dash so high there are times I think
I might sink, but it is in those moments that I feel the hand of God gripping me and holding me tightly.

I expect my deliverer to come to my rescue. I know and wait expectantly for God to work. This is what I know. There is a God and He loves me. He is personal and He cares for me. He is big enough and rich enough to supply all that I need. He makes me wait a lot. I sometimes feel discouraged. I battle the flesh and doubt that comes with it. I wish I didn't but I do. I get overwhelmed if I look very far ahead. I want to see how He makes this work to my good. I battle fear way too often and have much to learn of trust. It amazes me that most of every day I feel at rest. He is God. He knows that I am but dust. He understands.

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