Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Thoughts

Part of walking in the Spirit is letting God into every part of our lives. That is hard work. But God uses people in our lives each day to prod us into that direction whether they know they are or not. I mentioned that my hubby and I have some money problems. I have a hard time talking about that but part of what God is showing me is that I need to be transparent about who I am and what I am struggling with in order to be used by Him. It also helps me to grow in my relationship with Him. I want to encourage you to be who you are all the time so that you can become who God means you to be. My friend Amber has mentioned on her blog several times about her love/hate relationship with Dave Ramsey. He and I have that same sort of relationship. Last year I bought the book, read it, made hubby read it, thought it was great, talked about using it, etc. did everything except do it. This past month, thanks to Amber sharing on her blog I corrected that. I have been convicted about this area of my life for several years and have tried handling it on my own with absolutely no success. It seemed so much easier to put it off. I am grateful for how God uses the body of Christ to encourage me in the direction I need to go. I am thankful for God's word that brings conviction and help. I am thankful for the patience of God and the patience of the body. It is hard to admit my faults. Pride tells me I should be farther along than I am. For those of you who want an on-line Bible Study I am considerine starting one after Christmas and am pondering how to do it. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them. I considered calling in BS but figured that would be inappropriate. lol This has been a bit rambly which is my randomness and tiredness setting in. I love you all and pray for you! Pray for me. As Red Greed would say, "We're all in this together."


Deb said...

I heard a talk yesterday about the difference between "trying" and "training". I find myself so many times trying as hard as I can, but neglecting to do the training, which is what will produce the results I'm looking for. Thanks, Cyndi, for your transparency - I appreciate your heart that seeks the things of God.

Dee said...
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Dee said...

Hello, My name is Dee, I made a mistake on my comment, so i deleted it((sorry)). I was occupying my day by browsing through blog land via the Internet and ran across your blog. As i read your blog i find it to be very thought provoking and i will be back to visit with you again sometime.Please feel free to visit me at my humble blog. Heavenly Blessings. Dee

Amber Strehle said...

Yes, we are all in this together! Although I like to think of it in a High School Musical sort of way instead, like yes, it's going to be a little rough and yes we sometimes really make mistakes and yes we all have certain personality "quirks", but most of our end goal is the same..To try to do life to the best of our very fallen ability with help from our Creator. I'm soo in for a BS session with you!! Will be just like old times;)