Saturday, November 8, 2008


"But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come." It's not going to get better. Each day draws us closer to the final day. Whether we or our children will still be alive when that final day is of no consequence. We are still in the last days, and these words from 2 Timothy written by Paul are still true. I also know it is true that we are to rejoice and radiate the joy that is in the Lord. How do we do this? How do I radiate the joy of the Lord when I live in difficult times, am in the midst of difficult circumstances, and live in an increasingly evil world? It is in relationship with Christ that we find joy. Sometimes we Americans forget that. We look to our hobbies, our children, our vacations, our spouses, almost anything in this world to find that joy. What we find is momentary smiles but not the true joy that radiates from the one who is growing increasingly close in intimate relationship with God. There will be little in this world to bring us joy as time goes on. Whatever it takes, whatever the cost, draw near to Christ. Whatever He asks of you, and He will ask, be ready to do. That is what will give you joy. We do ourselves and our families a disservice when we seek joy in anything other than Him. I am not saying that we can't have activities in our lives that bring us happiness. God gave us the passions we have for His pleasure . They are good when consecrated for Him. If you are a singer sing, in you are creative, create, if you are talented or passionate in any area explore it, but do it all for Christ and keep your focus on Him. The days are becoming increasingly difficult but we serve the Almighty and our hope is in Him. Seek Him, with everything you have and the joy of the Lord will be your reward and your strength in the days to come.

1 comment:

Amber Strehle said...

Joy, funny how it is so elusive. It's even more funny how we depend on such silly things to make us joyful.
This is even MORE funny:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you are involved in various trials. James 1:2
What?? Trials pure joy?? Man Christ sure knows how to rock our world!! So I guess this life is not suppose to be a walk in the Christian park..go figure;)