Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Radical Walk

I am enjoying so much reading one chapter of the Bible at a time for days on end, and sometimes 3 times each day. God is showing me so much. I have been meditating for the last couple weeks on Romans chapter 8 and what it means to walk in the Spirit. I added 2 Timothy 3 this week and they seem to go together perfectly. If I walk in the Spirit, I will not walk in the flesh. In 2 Timothy 3 we have a list of what walking in the flesh is. How often do I seek to please my self or love my self instead of seeking the Spirit. Every time I choose to grab the chocolate and every time I grab a novel or watch TV when I have not met with Him. I love money when I spend what I do not have. Even more so, I love money when I know the needs of this world and decide to not "look" at them or at least to barely glance and then spend what I have on myself. Ouch, that one is hard. There are so many things I spend on that I don't need when children go to bed hungry. I am often ungrateful. I know this by how often I fail to see that it is God who has blessed me. More and more I am feeling called to radical Christianity. It actually isn't all that radical. It is the Christianity of the first believers. We are so used to "saving" our lives for ourselves that it seems radical. What would it look like if every day was dedicated to seeking and serving Jesus. If Jesus could turn the world upside down with 12 and no internet, what could happen if we all got radical about our walk with God. While the phrase may be overused I have been thinking about "What would Jesus do" if he were here and he were me. Too often I fail at being that powerful daily witness. Too often I take the easy road. I will be spending time in the near future of this blog sharing my journey in Walking in the Spirit, what God is showing me and how I'm working it out. I pray that some of you will join me and we can bring a more "radical" expression of faith to the world that God has placed us in.


Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts Cyndi! Amber & I talked this summer about doing a B-Study blog. You should think about whether or not you would want to try something like that. It would be a totally separate blog that would be just for that. Reading your posts makes me miss your wisdom and insight that could be drawn from your studies. You are gifted at communicating your thoughts in writing.

Conversation Queen said...

I agree with Elaine, you have such a gift!